Saturday, June 6, 2009


Joel will be ten months old on Thursday, and he is not the same baby that he was a month ago. He is crawling all over the place. It's so much fun watching him as he looks across the room at something, realizes he wants it, takes off crawling toward it, and then becomes distracted by something else halfway there. He is also pulling himself up to standing now. I found this out after a trip to the grocery store. I carried Joel into the house and put him in his crib so I could bring the groceries in from the car. Once I was finished, I went into Joel's room to take him out, and here is what I saw:Needless to say, I flipped out a little bit and Joel's mattress was lowered as soon as Daddy got home from work. He uses whatever he can find to pull up on: his crib bars, his play table, his toy basket, the couch, the dresser, my's great! He even tries to pull up on toys that are only a few inches off the ground. The result is an adorable bear crawl pose. So cute! Here are some pictures taken while we were playing in Joel's room this week:


  1. proudgrandparentsJune 7, 2009 at 4:26 PM

    I love the picture of him in his crib...boy Kelly I bet you were freaked out. He looks like he is trying to figure out what happened. It's so cute!!!

  2. I CANNOT believe he is pulling himself up already! He's going to be walking soon...and then RUNNING! :) Can't wait to see him! I really can't bear it!
