Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bed Head

Joel has a strange sleeping habit. Usually he goes to bed around 7:30pm and wakes up around 7am. Not too shabby for a 7 month old! If Joel goes to bed later at night, however, he gets up earlier in the morning. Like I said, strange... I should have been prepared for this because my sister told me that the earlier her daughter Hallie goes to bed at night, the later she sleeps in the morning. With that being said, here are some pictures of Joel taken at 6:30 this morning. (I think he could have used an extra hour of sleep!)

I love the crazy hair!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Shout Out to Grandma and Grandpa

This is a special post from Joel to Grandma and Grandma Whitehead. First, Joel wanted to show Grandma the pretty roses in our backyard. He knows how much Grandma likes flowers, so Grandma, these pictures are for you:

Next, Joel wanted to show Grandpa how much he loves reading. (Grandpa is a champion reader.) In these pictures, Joel is reading stories to DaDa. He thought he would start with something light...

Joel then moved on to a book more on DaDa's level: Horns to Toes and in Between. (A family favorite!)

Joel misses his Grandma and Grandpa so much! He can't wait to see them soon.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Boiler Up!!

Awwww, it's okay Joel, don't be sad! Joel is pretty bummed that the Purdue men's basketball team is no longer in the running for the national championship. (And so am I- my bracket had them going all the way!) So, in honor of the Boilers, Joel wore his Purdue baseball cap yesterday. What a handsome pair!

Friday, March 27, 2009

High Chair Fun

Joel was so cute in his high chair this morning! (Maybe it's because he slept for 12 hours last night.) After he eats, he usually plays with his tool bench, and he had so much fun with it today. He was so funny; I just had to share these photos!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Apple Juice

Joel turned 7 months last week! I can't believe he's been in my life for that long, but on the other hand I can't imagine what my life was like without him. Weird. Anyway, Joel was fighting off a cold last week, and the doctor told us to give him some diluted apple juice to make sure he was staying hydrated. (He needed it, too, because his nose was like a leaky faucet!) Andrew was holding the bottle for Joel when Joel decided that he wanted to do it by himself! Ha! Here are some pictures of Joel feeding himself for the first time:

Yes, he drank the whole bottle all by himself! I think he's gotten a little over confident, though, because now when he eats his baby food, he tries to take the spoon from me to feed himself. Not yet, little guy!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Andrew put Joel's swing up this weekend! He hung it from a pecan tree branch in our backyard right by our back porch. We think Joel is still trying to figure it out.

Whoa...got a little crazy on that one! Wheeee!

(Thanks Sarah, Brian, Hudson, and Hallie for the swing! Joel is going to love it- he just doesn't know it yet!)