Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Yay! Joel is one today!

Here are Joel's current stats:

-Weight and height are currently unknown. We will find out what they are at his doctor's appointment tomorrow.

-Joel crawls all over the place and loves for you to chase after him on all fours.

-He can stand up on his own for about ten seconds at a time.

-Joel took one little step while in the pool a couple days ago. (We were very excited!)

-Joel's third toe is his longest toe.

-He really likes the vacuum and will follow me all around the house while I sweep the floors.

-Joel will eat anything.

-Joel can drink out of a straw. (We discovered this at Sonic a couple days ago.)

-He has eight teeth in front and two top molars.

-Joel loves the water. We enjoy playing in the pool in the backyard (we recently upgraded to a larger pool- thanks, Nanny!) Also, whenever Joel is crawling around the house, his path always leads to the bathroom because he loves the tub.

-Joel enjoys reading. He is an excellent listener and he loves turning the pages. Some of his favorite stories are: Bear Snores On, I Love You Stinky Face, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Five Little Monkeys, Opposites, Touch and Feel Farm, Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear?, and many more.

-His hair is getting very mullet-y, but I don't think he could handle a hair cut just yet.

-Joel has said mama and dada, but he is currently only saying dada whenever he wants me or his dad or anything else.

-Joel likes being pushed in his swing in the backyard. I can't take him outside (not even to get in the car) without him diving for his swing. Which brings me to the next stat...

-Joel is very strong! He is also a little daredevil. A dangerous combination; I always have to be on my toes with him. He falls down, dives head first, stumbles, and bonks his head multiple times each day.

-Joel snorts and growls and grunts a lot. He is also has a lot of facial expressions. (see above photos)

-He now clings to me when I am holding him and try to set him down. (I absolutely love this and pretend to set him down all the time so I can feel his little hugs!)

-Joel gives high fives and kisses. I love kissing his mushy cheeks, and he will sometimes turn his cheek towards me to get a kiss. :o)

-When Joel gets excited, he sits on his knees, bounces up and down, and flaps his arms up and down. The things that excite Joel are: wheels spinning, getting to eat bites of grown-up food, toys spinning on the floor, the sweeper, arriving at our destination when he gets to get out of his car seat, his swing, splashing, and steering wheels.


  1. These pictures are cracking me up!!! First one: precious. Second one: smirky. Third one: ??? just hilarious. Fourth: classic, happy Joel. Happy Birthday kid! Aunt Monica and Uncle Shawn love you!!

  2. Happy Birthday Joel!!! Can't believe it's been a year already!

  3. Yay! Happy Birthday Joel! We love the pics and can't wait to see him again. Give Joel a hug for us! Love - Chandra and Alex

  4. And happy 1 year anniversary of parenthood! You guys are doing a great job!

  5. Happy birthday, little buddy!! Those are great pics!
    Mimi & Pop

  6. Happy (Late) Birthday Joel!!!! I absolutely LOVE the third picture down! Hilarious!!!

  7. We love the pics, he's perfect. Miss you guys tons!!! You guys are doing great jobs as parents...keep up the great work!!! Can't wait to see you Grandpa and Grandma.

  8. What a cutie. Love the stats!!!! Hope you all are doing well.

