Monday, April 26, 2010

Growing Up

My little boy is growing up. Today he ate with a spoon for the first time, and he did really well!

He loves watching Sesame Street clips on YouTube. He'll be surfing the net before we know it! I'm not too sure how he got into this position...

Joel knows how to push the skip button on his CD player in order to get to song number seven- his favorite. When the song is over, he doesn't know how to go back, so he uses the next button to go all the way back around to number seven again.

I was doing something in the kitchen the other day, and I came into the family room to find Joel up on the coffee table. My little climber! Now I really have to be on my toes.

What happened to my little baby? Joel, you are growing up so fast!


  1. I love this post. Great, great stuff. And that's not just because I'm your husband and his dad. Those are the cutest pictures ever!

  2. Good job Joel, we are so proud of you!!! And he looks like a little Andrew. We can't wait to see you!!!
