Saturday, April 16, 2011

Catching Up

So, it has been awhile since my last post. Sorry! Natalie was born, Christmas came and went, we had some fabulous visitors and we spent a month in Florida! Here are some pics and commentary to get everyone all caught up. Love you all!

Natalie was born November 4. She weighed 8 pounds 11 ounces.

Joel playing in the massive ball pit at his cousin Hallie's gymnastics gym in Greenwood

Christmas at Mimi and Pop's

Joel with cousins Hallie and Hudson

Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma's

You never know what you're going to find when you check on Joel during his nap :o)

Natalie with her friend Emery who is only 8 days older

Cousin Emeline came for a visit

Flying to Florida for spring break!
And yes, I flew home with two kids by myself and we survived!

At the condo in Florida

Joel helping Pop with some measurements

Joel LOVED the beach. We went almost every morning.
He loved to sit right in the water and dig with his shovel and bucket.
That kid left the beach with sand in every possible crevice!

Natalie modeling her swimwear

Her legs have probably doubled in size since this picture was taken!

One of my favorite faces

Our favorite beach location. We saw dolphins every morning!

Keep checking back! I'm going to do a better job of posting pictures!

1 comment:

  1. It's about time you updated your blog!! It was worth the wait, though - love the pictures!

