Monday, March 16, 2009

Apple Juice

Joel turned 7 months last week! I can't believe he's been in my life for that long, but on the other hand I can't imagine what my life was like without him. Weird. Anyway, Joel was fighting off a cold last week, and the doctor told us to give him some diluted apple juice to make sure he was staying hydrated. (He needed it, too, because his nose was like a leaky faucet!) Andrew was holding the bottle for Joel when Joel decided that he wanted to do it by himself! Ha! Here are some pictures of Joel feeding himself for the first time:

Yes, he drank the whole bottle all by himself! I think he's gotten a little over confident, though, because now when he eats his baby food, he tries to take the spoon from me to feed himself. Not yet, little guy!

1 comment:

  1. That kid is so cute. Picture 2 is my personal favorite.
