Friday, April 3, 2009

Cool Dude

It was sunny today, so I decided it was a good day to try out Joel's sunglasses. They were immediately torn off when I first tried to put them on. So I tried again- same results. It wasn't until I held Joel up in front of a mirror and said, Look at that cool dude, that he finally decided (with a smile) that he would keep the sunglasses on.

Waving to his peeps

Workin' it

Blowing kisses (sort of)

Overall, a complete success!!


  1. We want to grab those legs, kiss those cheeks and squeeze those hands. He is one cool dude. And Grandma and Grandpa love him so much!!!

  2. I cannot believe he kept those on!! That second picture of him waving just kills me.

  3. Love the sunglasses!!! Very cute! :)

  4. Those are some rockin' glasses -- lookin' cool like Dad!
