Monday, April 20, 2009

Mimi and Pop Visit

Mimi and Pop just left from a wonderful visit. They drove down from Indiana to see us, and we had such a great time. We miss them so much already! Here are some pictures from Mimi and Pop's visit:

We tried to keep Joel awake for Mimi and Pop's arrival, but he was exhausted. I think they missed seeing him the first night by 15 minutes! :o( I'm on the phone telling them to hurry up.

Pop and Joel

At the Cameron Park Zoo

Super Baby!!!

Joel loved Mimi's glasses

Everyone fought over feeding Joel. Pop won this round.

Mimi and Joel after story time

Thanks for a great visit, Mom and Dad! We love you!!!!!


  1. I'm sure you hear it ALL the time, but I cannot get over how much Joel looks like his daddy!!! Wow! Which of course means he's quite the handsome little man.

  2. It's so nice to have the parents out to visit, isnt it!? I always hate when my parents leave!

  3. So true! I didn't want to see them go! :o(
