Monday, February 16, 2009


Let the records show that Joel's official first word was da-da. We're pretty sure he doesn't have a clue as to the meaning of da-da, but that doesn't matter because he said it. And I'm puzzled because I've been working so hard on mama. (sniff) Anyway, here's how it happened.

Joel and I were sitting on the couch together this morning when Andrew came in to say goodbye. Right as Andrew leaned toward us, Joel looked up and said da-da. Andrew and I looked at one another with our mouths wide open as if to say did that really just happen? But the best part (for me) was the look of delight on Andrew's face.

Can you imagine the look of sheer joy on our heavenly Father's face when we call out to him, Abba, Father? John 1:12 says, all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. I am God's child, and He wants me to call on Him. He wants me to put my trust and hope in Him alone, and I know that only in Him can I find true joy. Thank you, Lord, for giving me a divine glimpse of Yourself through my precious family.


  1. I can only imagine what Andrew's reaction was. What a proud moment. He is one happy, content, special, wonderful boy. And he has the best parents in the world. We are so happy for him.
