Friday, February 6, 2009


I love being a mom! My son, Joel, is almost six months old, and I have decided to keep a record of my vast six months of wisdmom. (No, that wasn't a spelling error! wisdom+mom=wisdmom)

The compilation of knowledge from four (okay, five) years of college and four years in the working world does not even come close to the amount of on-the-job insight gained in a mere six months of motherhood. But, I have learned to hold on to my new-found wisdom with a loose grip. Joel is ever-changing. There is no guarantee that what worked on Monday will work on Wednesday. And Tuesday's schedule is by no means a blueprint for Friday.

While I never know what each day will bring, I take comfort in my one true constant: my Hope, my Stronghold, my Confidence, my Refuge, my Strength, and my Deliverer. I can't get through my day without Him, and when I try (as I often do), I fail. I want to be able to love Joel with my whole heart, but if I'm not totally, hopelessly in love with Jesus each morning, my love for Joel falls short. So, this blog is my kick-off to time spent with my Savior each matter how tired I am or how many bottles have to be washed or how tempting that new box of cereal looks. I think I'll start with Psalm 73.

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